DLP - definição. O que é DLP. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é DLP - definição

Dlp; DLP (disambiguation)

Discrete Logarithmic Problem
<language> Distributed Logic Programming. (1996-01-07)
Digital Light Processing (Reference: TI)



DLP may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para DLP
1. But we've used Texas Instruments DLP projectors.
Extreme-3D Printing _ Walter Voit _ Talks at Google
2. I don't know if this is a DLP projector, but it probably is.
Extreme-3D Printing _ Walter Voit _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para DLP
1. Slower than expected growth of sales of DLP–based TVs in the fourth quarter of 2004 caused TI to slow production of DLP chips to prevent a build–up of inventory.
2. "I‘m motivated in a special way by the determination never to see the DLP hold the reins of office in the country," a DLP advertisement quotes Arthur as saying.
3. The DLP denied the claim and a Taiwanese representative in St.
4. Sherry Alleyne, 28, a customer service representative, said she voted for the DLP before going to work.
5. If not, members of the DLP will struggle to the last together with workers and other people.